

  • I start off with a palm reading and thereafter pick up on my psychic ability.
  • I will see immediately in your palms as to where you require guidance. I do welcome questions as we go along, this perhaps will dispel any fears or anxiety during the reading.
  • I look at both palms. The one being the past, and the other being current and future.
  • I will see visions which I will tell you and ask you to clarify what I am seeing.
  • I am very accurate and will never lie to you, but offer you the truth. This is, after all, why you are consulting with me.
Online , call, what’s app call or video
  • I will require you to WhatsApp or email me pics of both palms.
  • I start off with a palm reading and thereafter pick up on my psychic ability.
  • I will see immediately in your palms as to where you require guidance. I do welcome questions as we go along, this perhaps will dispel any fears or anxiety during the reading.
  • I look at both palms. The one being the past, and the other being current and future.
  • I will see visions which I will tell you and ask you to clarify what I am seeing.
  • I am very accurate and will never lie to you, but offer you the truth. This is, after all, why you are consulting with me.
  • I will require you to WhatsApp or email me pics of both palms.
    I start off with a palm reading and thereafter pick up on my psychic ability.
  • I will see immediately in your palms as to where you require guidance. I do welcome questions as we go along, this perhaps will dispel any fears or anxiety during the reading.
  • I look at both palms. The one being the past, and the other being current and future.
  • I will see visions which I will tell you and ask you to clarify what I am seeing.
  • I am very accurate and will never lie to you, but offer you the truth. This is, after all, why you are consulting with me.
  • I will require you to WhatsApp or email me pics of both palms.
  • I start off with a palm reading and thereafter pick up on my psychic ability.
  • I will see immediately in your palms as to where you require guidance. I do welcome questions as we go along, this perhaps will dispel any fears or anxiety during the reading.
  • I look at both palms. The one being the past, and the other being current and future.
  • I will see visions which I will tell you and ask you to clarify what I am seeing.
  • I am very accurate and will never lie to you, but offer you the truth. This is, after all, why you are consulting with me.
  • This service will take a maximum of 24 hours.

Holistic Spiritual Renewal: A Journey to Wholeness

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves at crossroads, entangled in decisions or influences that dim our inner light. It’s during these moments that the quest for balance becomes paramount, and the need for spiritual cleansing and clearing arises. “Holistic Spiritual Renewal: A Journey to Wholeness” is a comprehensive service that integrates the essence of both Spiritual Cleansing and Clearing and Healing, Cleansing, and Clearing, offering a unified pathway back to your true self.

Our well-being is a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit, easily disrupted by negative energies. Through a dedicated routine of healing, cleansing, and clearing, this service provides a sanctuary for your spirit. Rooted in the profound power of prayer, our approach is designed to restore your wholeness and rekindle the light within you.
The journey of renewal unfolds gradually over a week, much like the process of purifying fabric stained by life’s trials. With each session, layers of darkness and negative energy are washed away, leaving behind only purity and light.

This service is tailored to meet you where you are, both spiritually and geographically. Whether we connect in person or bridge the distance via phone, Skype, or email, our guidance remains personal, direct, and fully attuned to your needs, ensuring you are supported every step of the way.

Embark on this journey of healing, cleansing, and clearing, as it is vital in navigating life’s complexities. Whether you find yourself at crossroads or shrouded in uncertainty, our service offers a pathway back to wholeness. Anchored in the profound power of prayer, we guide you through the process of transformation, renewal, and rekindling the light within.

Together, we’ll navigate the path to cleansing your energy, empowering you to reclaim control and move forward into a brighter, more positive phase of your life. “Holistic Spiritual Renewal: A Journey to Wholeness” is not just a service; it’s a transformative journey guided by the enduring strength of prayer and the promise of a fresh start, offering a sanctuary for your spirit and a beacon for those seeking to navigate back to their true selves, illuminated by positivity and peace.

Additional Services Offered

Tarot Readings

Through the ancient art of tarot, we uncover hidden insights and messages from the universe. Tarot readings provide a roadmap for self-discovery, illuminating the paths that lie ahead and offering guidance on how to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence.

Mental Life Coach Counselling

My experience as a mental life coach I provide personalised guidance and support to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Through one-on-one counselling sessions, you’ll gain valuable insights into your thought patterns and behaviour, empowering you to make positive changes and cultivate a mindset of resilience and self-empowerment.


Space Cleansing: Purifying Your Environment

Every space we inhabit, be it our home or workplace, pulsates with its own unique energy. These environments not only embody the physical presence of those who have passed through them but also retain the essence of their thoughts, emotions, and experiences—what we often refer to as predecessor energies. The quality of these energies can significantly influence our own well-being and the ambiance of the space itself.

Understanding the history of a space is crucial. A home or office bathed in the positive legacy of happiness, health, and prosperity can be a boon, enriching our lives with the same vibrant energy. In such cases, it’s beneficial to embrace and coexist with these uplifting vibrations, hopeful of achieving similar successes.

Conversely, spaces marred by negativity—be it through conflict, financial distress, illness, or loss—may carry a heavy, lingering energy that impacts those who enter. Such environments can manifest unsettling phenomena, from unexplained noises to a pervasive sense of discomfort, potentially leading to misfortune for its new inhabitants.
Recognizing the importance of purifying these spaces, I specialize in identifying and clearing unwelcome energies. Through meticulous space cleansing practices, I work to dispel these residues, restoring balance and harmony. This process ensures that any negative imprint is not just masked but effectively banished, allowing you to occupy a space free from the burdens of its past.

Whether you’re moving into a new home, revitalizing your workplace, or simply seeking peace within your current surroundings, my space cleansing service is designed to liberate your environment from unwanted energies and invite positivity, tranquillity, and prosperity.
Embrace the change. Let’s clear the path for new beginnings and positive experiences, ensuring your space supports and enhances your journey forward.

Family Constellation: Reconnecting with Our Roots

In the tapestry of human history, tribal and ancient communities have always recognized the profound interconnectedness within family systems. They understood the intricate web of relationships, respecting the natural order and the essential roles each person played. Through a myriad of rites of passage and rituals, these societies celebrated and marked the pivotal stages of human life, acknowledging the continuum from fertility to death, and the distinct roles of men and women. In our modern era, this deep connection to ancestral wisdom and the acknowledgment of those who came before us have diminished. Yet, the principles of Family Constellations seek to revive this understanding, emphasizing that the living and the deceased share an equal part in the family’s soul.

Family Constellations operate on the belief that each individual possesses a unique soul energy, yet remains a part of the collective family soul. This connection means that actions, decisions, and events from past generations can ripple through to the present, influencing the current family members in profound ways. Events not fully acknowledged or resolved by one generation can manifest as physical, mental, or emotional burdens in the next, from illnesses and relationship issues to patterns of addiction or self-destructive behaviour’s.

Imagine a family as a network of souls, like drops of water in a pond. When one is affected, it creates ripples that touch all others. By acknowledging each family member’s rightful place and addressing unresolved legacies, we allow love and healing to permeate the entire system. This process helps release the karmic debts that are not ours to bear, freeing us from the unconscious obligations to carry the unhealed wounds of our ancestors.

In a Family Constellation session, we embark on a journey to untangle these ancestral entanglements, offering respect and acknowledgment to all members of the family system, past and present. This approach helps to restore balance and harmony, ensuring that love flows freely, empowering future generations to live unburdened by the past.
Through this powerful healing modality, we not only reconnect with our roots but also pave the way for a future where each individual can thrive, unencumbered by the unseen influences of their lineage. Let us guide you back to your ancestral connections, where every member’s place is honoured, and their stories recognized, allowing you to step forward into your life with freedom, love, and a deep sense of belonging.

Crossovers: Bridging the Gap to the Spirit World

In the journey of life, the departure of our loved ones often leaves us with a void filled with unanswered questions, unspoken words, and a yearning for just one more moment of connection. Through the delicate service of Crossovers, we seek to bridge the earthly divide, offering you a chance to reach out to those who have passed into the spirit world.

To facilitate this profound connection, a few key pieces of information are required: a photograph of your dearly departed, their full name, and their date of birth. These elements serve as a beacon, guiding us through the vastness of the spiritual realm to reach the essence of your loved one.
It’s important to approach this service with an open heart and mind, understanding that the spirit world operates on its own terms. While we endeavour to establish this sacred communication, it’s the spirits themselves who decide what messages, if any, are to be shared. Our role is to listen, interpret, and convey these messages to you, providing comfort, closure, or perhaps a new understanding.
Please be aware that the fabric of connection strengthens with time. The longer it has been since your loved one’s passing, the clearer and more profound the communication may be. This process requires patience, respect for the spiritual domain, and an acceptance that what is meant to be revealed will find its way to us in due time.
In seeking to connect with your departed loved ones, we honour their memory and acknowledge their continued presence in the tapestry of our lives. Whether you’re looking for answers, peace, or a simple confirmation of their well-being, the Crossovers service is a step towards healing and spiritual insight.

Spiritual Cleansing and Clearing

There comes a time in one’s life when everything starts spiralling out of control; when we seem to make the wrong decisions or perhaps have seeked the wrong advice, dabbled in darkness, and now need to take control of our life in a positive and light way.

Our body and mind needs to be whole again and we need to get rid of all the dark negative energy that has invaded you. I do this through a healing, cleansing and clearing routine. I am able to make you whole again. My strongest weapon is prayer.

This process, although done immediately, normally takes a week for all the darkness and bad energy to leave. It is like putting your washing in the machine and the dirt must be all washed out before it’s clean.

This is done in person or, if distance is an issue, I will guide you through this either telephonically, through Skype or email.

Crystal Healing Therapy: Harness the Power of the Earth

Crystal Healing Therapy is a transformative approach that taps into the ancient wisdom of the earth. Utilizing the unique properties of crystals and gemstones, this therapy is designed to harmonize the body’s energy fields, addressing physical ailments and fostering protection against negative energies. Advocates of crystal healing recognize these natural elements as powerful channels for balancing the flow of energy within the body—encouraging wellness, vitality, and emotional clarity by replacing negative, disease-causing energy with a stream of positive, healing vibrations.
Embark on a journey of rejuvenation and discover the profound impact crystals can have on your well-being. Book your session today and take the first step towards a life filled with harmony, health, and happiness.


Chakra Alignment: Achieve Balance and Wholeness

Chakra Alignment is the key to cultivating a life of balance and unity. Your seven chakras are the energy centres of your body, each representing vital aspects of your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. When these chakras are aligned, they enable a seamless flow of energy throughout your body, leading to a state of equilibrium that resonates with every facet of your being.
The process of aligning your chakras is a journey toward holistic well-being, aiming to synchronize your emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions. By achieving this alignment, you open the doors to a life characterized by peace, clarity, and a profound sense of purpose.

Welcome to Psychic Angel Crystals Shop:
Your Premier Crystal Haven

Discover your special something at Psychic Angel Crystals, the go-to destination for discerning customers seeking quality, affordability, and exceptional service. Our commitment is to enrich your experience with premium products that meet every need, ensuring you leave with more than just a purchase—you leave with a treasure

Why Shop With Us?

Extensive Selection: From healing crystals to spiritual tools, our vast collection is carefully curated to support your journey towards balance and enlightenment.

Unmatched Quality: Every piece in our collection is hand-selected, guaranteeing you receive only the finest crystals imbued with potent energies.

Ease of Shopping: Our user-friendly website makes your shopping experience seamless. Adding items to your cart and checking out is straightforward, letting you enjoy the best of ecommerce with just a few clicks.

Here to Help: Questions or need guidance? Reach out via email or WhatsApp for responsive, friendly assistance from our team.

Our Commitment to You

At Psychic Angel Crystals, we believe in creating lasting connections. You’re not just a customer; you’re a valued member of our community. Our approach is rooted in honesty, transparency, and a genuine desire to add value to your life, whether through our products, service, or a simple smile.

Our Promise:

Authenticity: What you see is what you get. Our product descriptions are transparent, and our pricing is honest.

Personal Growth: Beyond crystals, we offer guidance for those seeking healing, cleansing, and spiritual clarity, using prayer and energy work to foster wellness.

Whether in-person or online, our team is dedicated to guiding you through any spiritual cleansing and clearing routines, ensuring a holistic approach to your wellbeing.

Embark on a transformative journey with Psychic Angel Crystals. Explore our collection today and find more than just a crystal—find a friend for life.